Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Hi Crushers,
As many people do, I like to make resolutions or set goals for the New Year. Steve and I set some for us as a family as part of our #24daysoftogetherness. Some of them I can share and some of them are just for us.

  1. Run the Green Bay Cellcom Half Marathon together (or at least start together!). I ran the Fox Cities Half Marathon with some friends and it was a lot of fun training for it and completing it. Steve helped me train for it, but in the end he didn't sign up because it was during football season and he wasn't sure how much time he could devote to running at the end. I think he could have still done it, but better safe than sorry! Running injuries are no fun.
  2. Learn how to make more breads. My sister's mother-in-law gave me a book on making bread. After the success of the rosemary bread I wrote about here, I feel like I could take on other bread challenges.
  3. Learn how to make more Asian dishes. My friends Stacy and Misty make these rice cakes of spicy dragon fire that are amazing! Really, they are called Ddukppoki and they are a favorite street food in Korea. I'd also like to try making Pho, which is a delicious soup. I bet Stacy and Misty wouldn't mind helping me learn how to make these. My cousin Rob knows how to make sushi, so that could be interesting too. Plus, all of these recipes would require a fascinating grocery trip!
  4. Learn how to make pasta. I have a feeling that this will be more effort than it's worth, but who knows? I've kind of always wanted to make my own ravioli, but haven't had the guts to try it yet.
  5. Beat my 5K race PR. Right now, my best 5K time is hovering right around 29 minutes. I'm slow, but I'm ok with that. It's all about finishing what you start!
  6. Do 50 push ups in a row! And not the modified "girly" kind from your knees either! I'm talking regular, from your toes push ups without sticking your booty in the air.
  7. Learn how to lay tile or linoleum or something to repair our kitchen floor. Before we were married, something (water damage?) happened to the floor and it needs to go away. Argh.
How about you? Do you have any? Do you have foods you would like to see us try to make?

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