Tuesday, May 14, 2013

RACE WEEK FREAK OUT: Don't eat all the sweets

Hey Crushers,

OK, so I just got an e-mail newsletter from the lovely people that are directing the half marathon that's happening THIS SUNDAY.

I can't believe it's race week. Seriously, I'm kind of freaking out, but in a good way. The only problem with this is that I'm all, "It's race week. Oh my. I think I need a slice of cake." That's not the right way to carbo load folks. Let me tell you.

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I originally started running to counteract the effects of having a sit-all-day-at-your-desk job and all the sweet treats that seem to be in the office kitchen. Plus, as you know, I love to cook and bake and I'd be huge if I didn't exercise. It turns out that I went from "running a mile sucks" to "running 10 miles kind of sucks, but I feel awesome".

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm pretty excited to go back to running 4-6 miles for my weekend long fun run plus softball, pitching horseshoes, and doing yoga/strength training for a well-balanced exercise life. On the plus side, I'll get a shiny medal for finishing, a shirt to prove I was there, and the knowledge that I can actually go that far without a car.
It's true. All of it. Well, except the part about the broken toenail. That's gross.
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Wish us luck! We only have a few more days before RACE DAY! I promise to talk more about food and less about running next week. I have big plans for summer recipes including camping recipes, more grilled food and refreshing summer beverages!

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