Friday, May 31, 2013

Faith-filled Friday: Feeling blessed

Last night Steve and I had a really great night. We got to run along a parkway in beautiful, summer-like weather, grilled out some Italian sausages and chicken, went shopping (JoAnn Fabrics had a grand opening sale) and then watched a storm roll through.

When the grill was going and the house was filled with wonderful smells, Steve came in the kitchen and said, "I really love our life." He recognized all the little things that added up to one big feeling of thankfulness for all that we have. I asked him, "Feeling blessed, huh?" He just smiled at me and went to check the grill.

Do you ever have those clear moments of feeling blessed? Last night was so nice just to get to spend time together and enjoy all the little things. However, I will be the first to admit that this does not happen all the time! Just this morning, I was telling a friend how I was so frustrated at all the people who walk down city streets instead of using the perfectly good (and safer!) sidewalks just a few feet away from them. Worrying over their safety (and my road rage) wasn't going to help anyone. Worrying about anything doesn't make it better or safer or happier. Worrying just makes you stressed out!

In the chapter 6 of Matthew, Jesus reminds us that worrying doesn't add an hour to your life or do anything beneficial (verse 27). Doesn't that just show that we aren't trusting God? He takes care of every living thing. He loves what he created! He blesses us every day. Countless times the Bible reminds us that God cares for us from Abraham to Noah to Esther to Ruth to David to Solomon to Daniel to Jonah to Mary to the disciples and apostles. He didn't promise it would be easy, but he did promise to care for you.

Did you ever see the movie "Anne of Green Gables"? In the movie, Anne Shirley's teacher reminds her that "each day is a new day with no mistakes in it yet". It kind of sounds like Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." It's true. 

I hope you all have a chance to feel blessed today and everyday. Let's let tomorrow worry about itself, and enjoy all the blessings God has for us!

How do you feel blessed? How do you deal with your worries? Have recommendations for other Crushers?

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