Monday, April 22, 2013

Virtual Running No. 6: Flexibility

Good morning Crushers!

If I were running along side of you today, what we talk about? Would we talk about anything? Would we even be able to fit training for this half marathon into our busy schedules even though the race is *gasp* less than a month away?

As you have read in previous posts (here), Steve and I and thousands of other people are training to run the Cellcom half marathon on May 19. They send out a really great first-timer newsletter. Although I've run a half before, I'm still considering myself a newbie at this whole "running more than 5 miles at a time" thing. In a recent e-newsletter, they wrote about being flexible. You have to be flexible with your schedule to fit in training when you can. If you don't, it will stress you out and take over your life.

Another way that I've had to learn to be flexible is with this crazy weather we're having. Half the state got snow over the weekend, while the rest had either rain or just really creepy looking clouds. How are people supposed to handle this and do their practice long runs? I'm confused and so are my muscles. Have you ever experienced such crazy weather patterns?

In addition to the roller coaster weather, spring seems packed with more and more stuff to do and places to be. For instance, last weekend we were supposed to run 9 miles on Saturday. Well, I had an all-day practice for the Handbell Festival Concert (which rocked, er, rang), so that wasn't an option. Instead, we fit in what miles we could when we could. This week, we're going to tackle a lot more miles because we have the time to do them! WHOO!

If we were running together, I would hope that you also take the time to stretch at the end of your runs. I have found this to be tremendously helpful and I can touch my toes with ease. Steve, on the other hand, isn't much of a stretcher, but fortunately, he hasn't had any injuries! I feel pretty blessed that the worst we've experienced has been some shin splints and wind-burned faces.

The last thing I have time to share with you today is that I'm so proud of everyone in the running community who have just mentally wrapped their love around Boston. What an amazing outpouring for those injured by the explosions! Here are some of my favorite stories:

  1. My favorite running store is doing a run tonight where ALL of the proceeds are going to help.
  2. An Irish dance school has collected t-shirts to make quilts for the sister of the little boy killed in the blasts. She is an Irish dancer, but had to have a leg amputated. She will really be "wrapped in love".
  3. A local t-shirt company has been making "Boston Strong" t-shirts. How cool is that?
  4. The organizers of the Cellcom are planning a tribute. The race director of the Boston Marathon is the mentor of the Cellcom's race director. What a great link! And yes, I might cry at the beginning of the race. I'm a wimp.
If we were running together today, what would you tell me? Have you heard other great stories like the ones I mentioned? Are you facing running injuries? Let me know!

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